Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Babies!!

I think it's time to announce my beautiful baby who has been with me since Dec 2003 and many of my other babies and of course my new born baby!

My desktop... 5 years and 4 months to be precise since Dec 2003.
P.S. Ignore the mess on the table...

My Motorola ROKR... 1 year 3 months since Jan 2008


XD its not the laptop...

Behold! My Nitendo DS Lite!! officially a day old!! XD

And that's all about my babies... got 1 left... the camera!! XD


PoisonedFire said...

you actually got urself a DS lite!!!
so envy u...

kent91blaze said...

Lol, go get ur self one too la! then we can play platinum together XD

PoisonedFire said...

no $$$


plus my parents sure disagree de...LOL