Monday, November 1, 2010

Double-Edge Sword

Finished 5 papers now left 2 more papers which is "Anatomy & Physiology" and "Environmental Philosophy" the great thing is both papers is on the 10th Nov, the bad thing is its on the 10th Nov. =.=

It's like a double-edge sword. Geez~ we have to go through another study week just for two subjects and its even longer than our previous one! LOL

While others are probably back at home, having nice hot home brew stew, we're technically stuck here until the arrival of 10th Nov~ T_T

My plan for the week is "Pokemon Black"! Yay~ it's like the best in the series and I can't wait to get my hands on them~ oh~~ other than that is pretty much study~ Anatomy & Physiology is *gulp* a LOT.

That's all.