Monday, July 28, 2008

Tagged AGAIN!

Oji-sama tagged me... although i doubt anyone read this poor blog. T_T

7 languages you want to master (not learn):
- Chinese
- English
- Japanese

Not much about that

7 sports you want to master:
- Basketball
- Squash
- Bowling
- Roller Skating

Not a fan of 'sports'.

7 card games you want to master:
- Pokemon
- Yu-Gi-Oh!

7 board games you want to master:
- Chess
- Scrabble

7 household skills you want to master:
- Baking (I like cakes and cookies.)
- Sewing (I wanna become a fashion designer remember?)

7 skills you want to master (besides above):
- Archery
- Swordplay
- Drawing
- Writing
- Singing

7 people you want to master (and tag them):
Not really understand the question.