Saturday, November 27, 2010




戏又不是很多, 看来看去 《宫心计》 都看了最少4次! 动漫该看的都看了~
讲到动漫, 肚子就一把火! 想当年(也就是中学时代), 动漫是多么的好看! 
尤其是秋天换上去的动漫, 比如 《Code Geass》, 《Shakugan no Shana》, 《Gundam 00》,《To Aru Majutsu no Index》, 《To Aru Kagaku no Railgun》 等等好看的动漫。

比起现在的动漫,哎哟~ 现在类似的动漫都绝种了!! 净是出那些后宫动漫(主人公被一大堆女生包围的)。

"I'm sorry to say this~ but that kind of anime is nothing but pieces of rubbish!"

If you like those kinda things you should just go watch hentai or whatever shit.
Then they will finally stop producing this kind of low quality shit.

Sorry for the swearing~ Oh where was I? Okay back to me back at home~ ^.^

Other than watching animes and dramas, I also played "Pokemon Black" *claps*
Pokemon has been and always will be one of my favorite games, and this version
is by far the greatest version ever! With all new Pokemons and also new gameplay.
This is definitely the best ever until another greater version come out that is~ HAHA

That's all.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


回来酱多天,也没上来update一下, 还蛮不好意思的。

原来1st semester已经完了,经历了许许多多,也成长了许多。

话说回来, 我已经有两个月左右没有回家了。 早前因为国大中秋,再加上考试, 根本就没时间回家。
现在难得回家也是件好事。 在家里当然是比较好啦,吃得饱,睡得太好,上网也非常好!

说来说去,我也不懂要说什么了, 我就祝大家假期快乐吧!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Double-Edge Sword

Finished 5 papers now left 2 more papers which is "Anatomy & Physiology" and "Environmental Philosophy" the great thing is both papers is on the 10th Nov, the bad thing is its on the 10th Nov. =.=

It's like a double-edge sword. Geez~ we have to go through another study week just for two subjects and its even longer than our previous one! LOL

While others are probably back at home, having nice hot home brew stew, we're technically stuck here until the arrival of 10th Nov~ T_T

My plan for the week is "Pokemon Black"! Yay~ it's like the best in the series and I can't wait to get my hands on them~ oh~~ other than that is pretty much study~ Anatomy & Physiology is *gulp* a LOT.

That's all.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Study Week =.=

Since everyone hate exams, I might as well skip the "I hate exams part".

I'm almost at the end of my study week, and next week onwards will be the finals~

Dreaded FINALS!!! How we all hate you, yet nothing can be done~

Study has come to a point where it no longer is interesting, since the joy was ripped away by exam. However, I think its very important to enjoy knowledge, even if it's for the sake of exam...BUT enjoying too much = E/F.

We can't deny that our education system is exam-orientated, even in the universities! I wonder if the universities wishes to produce exam machines~ HAIZ...

That's all.

Monday, October 11, 2010




表演完了,就过了。 好的会变成你的回忆,不好的则变成你的遗憾。 不过我想应该没有人有任何遗憾吧!

我呢? 这次参与这么大型的演出, 让我获益良多,也交了许多新的朋友,认识了许多来自不同背景的人~ 
从大家身上, 我学会了许多,虽然只有短短的几个月。 不过我学会了爱惜这段友谊,情意。

不过我知道, 我们都会把大家放在心里的一个房里, 直到永远~

Monday, October 4, 2010


平常没什么庆祝中秋的我, 今年一口气庆祝了几次!
真是讽刺~ 不过也好,让我重拾童年时提着灯笼漫步在月光下的回忆~


先说明~ 我星期五去是有玩到啦,而且还买了曾国辉的专辑! 两张30令吉,还有得签名哦!!
《Love Anthem》 很好听哦!



我负责节目组,不过也很不好意事啦,有一点觉得愧疚,因为没帮到喜悦忙,流程表没什么帮到。 然后,当晚他一个人又要负责华乐和舞台剧,辛苦了~ 在此跟你说声对不起和谢谢你哦!

忙完了月光晚会,我又能全心全力的为PTUKM-31卖力了。 2010年10月10日,PTUKM-31将在国民大学大礼堂DECTAR举办一场舞台剧,剧名为《花嫁》。 我身为舞蹈员,当然希望这次的演出成功,大家背后的辛酸希望换来的是一席掌声,更希望大家不要放弃, 因为国大中秋,来自你,来自我,来自他!

Thursday, September 30, 2010




本来定于27日的DSG, 无端端被ESZ强去办那个Health Debate东东,不过那是HX的课,就算了吧~
延期到了30日,因为PT借了没办法借到。 经过一些讨论,终于妥协好了。

本以为雨过天晴,哪里知道又杀出一个马来人组织PERSIAP。 讲到这就让我火滚! 那个办公室的人竟然把PT借到的场地让给他们~ 现在什么年代了,还搞这种无聊的种族主义! 不给华人就摆明说出来啦! 气死我了!!!! 更何况,要搞种族主义就去别的大学搞啦!这里是UKM!! 国民大学!!

那个m***** f***-ing b****去死啦!!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

BBQ at "Paradise Beach"

It's another gathering for Penang-KMJians!!! YAY

This time we had a BBQ at "Paradise Beach" aka The Beach behind Paradise Hotel =.=

It was fun meeting with everyone else again since we parted ways on July.
Everyone had so much fun in their uni-life since then~
But, we are still held together by a strong bond of friendship XD

Cheers to all Penang-KMJians~

That's all.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Yes, it's another "I'm back" post. So I'm back in Penang!! Yay!!! XD

However I think my joy is a little overrated. You see I only got 1 week of holidays compare to others who have 2 weeks~ T.T On top of that, the finals are coming after 6 weeks and so is PT which will be on the 4th week (10th October). There are like tons of things to do but so little time to rest and take a deep breath!

But heck~ I'm in Penang! Foods are good (definitely better), Places are nice (better than Time Square that's for sure), People are nice! (You don't have to worry about being robbed/molested/raped/etc). I'm so glad I came back! Although I won't be resting much anyway XD.

Other than that I also got my hands on the coveted "Starcraft 2:Wings of Liberty"!
*screams like a girl* - (my screams do sound like a girl's though)

I haven't completed the campaign yet, but it's very fun to play with cause they got all the new toys and units to play with, not to mention the very nice graphics!

I also had fun meeting up with my besties~ We went to Neway for a Karaoke session and also watch "Grown Ups" which is very funny XD. WE RULEZ~

That's all.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


其实也不是很疯狂,就考完试吗! 大家都是一样的跑出去玩。 哈哈
话说星期五考完后,我就跑到Time Square看戏咯!看那部叫"STEP UP 3D"的戏。 超好看的!
不过听人说以前的更好看~ 心想,都这样好看了还有更好的?! 



看完戏当然是逛街,吃晚餐啦! 我们去了"TBowl"吃大屎餐哈哈! 里面超有趣的,食物大多是装在马桶上,不然就是浴缸里,连水都是叫肥皂水!

过后我们就去雯宁家住咯~ 讲话到2am才睡呢! 隔天老早(9am)就去BJ买票,过后下午就 KT 回跳舞。 
回房后,我就去洗衣,弄到大概6am,别人起来 "sahur" 的时候才睡呢!

睡到11am左右(我是蛮精神的),就起身去Time Square。 本来是要看JJ Lim的,不过太热又太多人了,所以就和万霖去看"Cats and Dogs 2: Revenge of Kitty Galore"咯~ 过后就吃了个特别的晚餐。

昨天(星期一)就和一班人去Neway唱K。(注:Neway也是在Time Square里) 气氛超HIGH的,时间到了我们还赖着不走呢!拼命的唱!哈哈!(三八到~) 回来KT后不久,又有舞蹈练习咯。 昨天是跳到很高兴一下的,应为老师排完了舞。 哈哈!



由今届概念‘婚嫁’衍生而出的歌舞剧《花嫁》2010年10月10日晚上7点于DECTAR隆重引爆!有兴趣的药剂学长学姐们, 你们能向我购买入门票哦!! 票价是RM10!!国大中秋来自你、来自我、来自他,.........约定您!!!!


Thursday, September 2, 2010


虽然考试还没完~ 不过难得现在闲着,就写下第一次考试的感觉吧!

应为进来大学我就非常的热烈参与活动,所以其实本人觉得我是没什么准备的。 不过平时是有翻翻啦~所以应该不会考到很差。 希望啦!

我发现大家都好压力,有参活动的就算了,那些没参活动的不是应该有很多时间的么?? 干吗那么紧张? 把自己累坏了就不好啦!

“第一次考试是去拿经验的!“ 所以大家就好好吸取经验吧!

我呢是还好啦,应该会 fail 其中两科,不过还是 final 最重要!所以就算 fail 了, 只要不气馁, 用功点最后还是可以有好成绩的!

大家明天的考试加油哦! 并不要因为昨天还是今天的考试而放弃! 


Tuesday, August 24, 2010


今年和往年不一样,去年是在山上,今年是在海边~ 哈哈!

地点是在波得胜的一个豪宅哦~ 虽然是破旧了一点。 不过我能理解第二年理事也是尽力了。 你们好棒哦!









Saturday, August 14, 2010


我终于...终于... 把头发烫直了!
现在头发超轻的! 而且风都可以吹起来了!! 
以前,卷发时,头发就像挡风镜,再大的风也吹不起,现在不一样了! 哈哈!
而且,也变整齐很多了! 哪像卷发时的おばさん!


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dinner with Buddies!

It was actually Wednesday when we had our dinner, but heck~ XD

It's our first buddy line / family gathering.

All available members attended, from 4th year to us 1st year which is a total of 7! Woot!

We had a nice dinner at a small restaurant that sells 'Fish Beehoon' LOL

The weirdest thing about it, is that Gim Hui suggested to eat there, but she herself felt that the soup with milk is yucky, including me. XD We ended having normal ones, while Carrie, Siew Sieng and Tiu Wang had the ones with 'exotic flavorings' XD

Since our family can be know as the '38' family...Oops 'elegant' is more appropriate. We 'elegantly' chat for a few hours and of course had some photo sessions. After that, Ivy sent me and Minna happily back to college with a bowl of dessert, courtesy of her. XD

Love You All!! Muacks!!!!

That's all.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kam Kam's Birthday!!!

It was Kam Kam's birthday yesterday, and since most of us finish our classes before 12, we decided to celebrate his birthday at Sushi King!!!

Shu Jun and I went to Time Square earlier as we wanted to buy gifts for our great great grand buddies!!

It was the first time we rode the Monorail, the experience was really refreshing!!! It was like riding a roller coaster around town!

Time Square in KL is definitely more populated than Time Square in Penang. Undeniably, Time Square is worse than Prangin Mall, in terms of cheapness... most of the clothes are gross both in quality and quantity.

Sungai Wang~ Shu Jun place was even more ridiculous! The ceiling is around 2m or less, the shops looks run down, but they got a very interesting shop - Daiso! If I'm not mistaken~ It sells Japanese stuffs and most of them are very affordable!

After that, we had lunch around 3, at Sushi King with the others. We also had cake - Chocolate Indulgence of Secret Recipe!! Yay!

Big Smile Everyone!!

Today was my first PT dance lesson, and it was fun! Although I didn't know much of the moves and I moved softly, BUT hopefully I can be more macho after PT XD!!!


That's all.

Monday, August 2, 2010


First thing first! 昨天是10的最后一天, 我们第一年的学生经过了种种考验终于, 捱过了10。 虽然很累,但是好有满足感! 我们的组, 很荣幸获得了最佳表现奖, 我也很幸运的获得了药剂系的 Super Junior 奖!我好感动, 学长学姐们给我的留言, 我都会铭记于心, 不过不要叫我背啦!

今天, 我们也知道我们的Buddy了! 好高兴Ivy选了我和敏娜当小Buddy. 我也很高兴有Catherine学姐当我们的曾曾祖Buddy,锦慧学姐和慧钰学姐当我们的曾祖Buddy,还有兆煌学长和秀娴学姐当我们的祖Buddy! 希望我们能好好相处,彼此照顾哦! 

还有敦华的会员大会也能圆满结束, 文化组也非常地成功! 大家要加油下去哦!



Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I'm Settling Down

Thank GOD!

Although, the lifestyle here is quite hectic, but at least it's not that annoying.
I'm getting use to the lifestyle here and its not that irritating compared to when we just arrived~

Class is fine, but I need to push harder, so that I don't get shocked in the mid-terms. Activities are also coming into places, just need some opinions.

Food is fine here, so no worries~ Internet is... SLOW... usual stuff~

Everything is fine, for NOW...

That's all XD

Saturday, July 24, 2010


对! 我好忙! 这都败我的热诚所赐!!

Hari Interaksi, Minggu Sukan KTSN, Pesta Talung, 等等。。。

其实,我不是不满更不是不想参啦! 只是,我好怕会因为参活动而成绩不好。


然后,我也发现原来有一技之长在大学时是很吃香的!! 所以大家都一定要多学些技能!这样在大学就不会没事干。
还有就是,唱歌是每个人都会的,要特别就不要唱歌! 除非,你真的唱到很好, 不然你就没特色!
还有还有,当你决定要参与后就别妞妞捏捏,豁出去!! 这样你可以玩得开心,大家也可以很开心!



Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Soooooooooo Tired

I'm freaking tired!

I don't even have time to study! And don't tell me I don't have to study for exams!!!
I cannot comprehend the abundance of activities the seniors have to offer, but I will obey, somehow... XD

That's all.

Sunday, July 11, 2010


UKM orientation was fun!!! XD

But tiring...

Other than the talks was cultural performance and also Sports Day!!

Day 1-3 was full of talks and choir practices. Yes I joined CHOIR XD and I did Bass instead of other parts. XD

Day 4 was the Sports Day and we started things off with aerobic exercise. It was the 1st time after NS I did Senam Seni again!! YaY!! After that was more choir practice!! Thank Goodness, I DON'T have to stand in the hot sun doing cheers!!

Day 5... I got food poisoning!! LOL, went to the clinic in the morning and I totally missed the day's programs until night where I sang with the choir team in the cultural night and finally retire to my bed. XD

Day 6 all of us KTSN students bid farewell to UKM, Bangi and went back to KTSN in KL, escorted by policemen! Damn Cool!!

That's all. XD

Thursday, July 1, 2010

UKM!! Here I come!!! Woohoo~

I'm going to University Kebangsaan Malaysia! YaY!! *clap hands*

I'm taking Pharmacy and I'm so excited!!! Hoho!

And so I'm going on a few weeks of hiatus from blogging and also YouTubing, along with many other stuffs. Do come back and check for updates my dear dear readers!

Lots of love from Hime-sama @ kent91blaze

That's all.

Sunday, June 20, 2010


昨天,逛街去了。 买了双新鞋。 鞋子不但是一个装饰,更是用来显示穿的人的情怀。

有些人喜欢 Sandals, 有些人喜欢 Flipflops, 也有些人喜欢 Sneakers, 更有人喜欢 High-heels。 每个人对鞋的喜好不一,但是每个人都会穿鞋,就像穿衣那样里所当然。

我也不例外,鞋对我而言是保护脚的服装,功能最重要。 但是,偶尔也要穿些漂亮的鞋。Haha!

这不是说旧的鞋不美,只是想换换style。 旧的鞋,陪我走过了许多地方,像KMJ,马六甲,吉隆坡,还有槟岛。 并不是它坏了,只是我想一双新的鞋来陪我到新的地方,走新的路。 Hehe


Friday, June 18, 2010

A Bad Dream Came True

I get UKM Pharmacy!

*lightning strikes, thunder rumbles*

I know it's a good news and all, but it felt wrong... somehow... It's not like I'm not satisfied, but I just don't feel right about this...

Need some major shopping to appease the emotion!! Haiz...

Congratulations to others who are happy with what they get.

That's all.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

My Youtube Channel!

Haha, I started doing covers for songs! XD

Please do listen to them and feel free to comment on it haha.

Click here.

That's all.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Re: My Babies!!

Other than the four babies I mentioned in the last post.

I got a newborn lately!! HAHAHA

It's already 2 days old and its my new Asus A52J laptop!! *cheers*

It comes with a bag, a charger, an Asus mouse and a cable strap. The laptop even boast an impressive 15.6' HD(GL,LED) screen! HAHA

It has the following specs:
Intel Core i5-430 Processor (2.26GHz)
Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit)
ATI Mobility Radeon HD5145 WITH 1024MB DDR3 RAM
4GB (2GBx2) DDR3 RAM <-- I asked for the upgrade XD
8xSuper Multi-Dual DVD ROM
802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth
Integrated Webcam

The 2GB card cost RM169, but we wanted it to be cheaper so we negotiated a bit and got it down to RM160 T.T

He threw in a Lexmark WiFi printer to prevent us from any further 'negotiations' LOL

The shop also threw in 15 other gifts for the purchase. (We didn't force him on this XD)

It includes:
A mouse
A mouse pad
A headset with mic
A USB LED torchlight
A card reader
A four-way USB Hub
A cooling fan
A USB mini vacuum
A USB extension
An ethernet cable
A lock
A CD holder
A LED screen cleaner set
A pouch
A keyboard protector

The pouch and keyboard protector doesn't fit the laptop, so I gave them to my sister XD

I'm now typing this post with the new laptop!! I feel weird, cause I keep getting the key strokes wrong T_T. Need sometime to adjust to it. HAHA

That's all.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Recently I finished reading Brisingr!

Brisingr is the third book of Christopher Paolini 'Inheritance Cycle' originally known as the 'Inheritance Trilogy'. However the author decided that he should throw in another book because its selling good. (Not actual reason though) XD

The book is very fun and exciting, but it gets repetitive at some point. If you're not a fan of the genre don't buy this book!! HAHA

Recently I bought The Body Shop Tea Tree Line

From left is the Tea Tree(TT) SKin Clearing Facial Wash, TT Skin Clearing Toner, TT Skin Clearing Lotion, TT Blemish Fade Night Lotion and TT Face Mask.

This line is specially made for acne-prone, blah blah... skin. It is very refreshing, due to the Tea Tree Oil scent that can be repulsive for some. But I like everything green and smells like vegetables/plants so its very nice. Since I just started using I'm not sure about its effects yet. Hopefully it is good. XD

Recently I went around Penang with the Malaccans... HAHA

That's all.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Coco avant Chanel

If you have been to Gurney lately you will notice the French Art & Film Fest is in town again!

Coco avant Chanel is one of the many titles this year film fest prepared for us. It depicts the story of Gabrielle Chanel or Coco Chanel founder of the fashion brand 'Chanel'.

Young Chanel making hats depicted by actress Audrey Tautou

Chanel in her debut fashion show as shown in the movie.

I'm not going to spoil anything here, but it is a very good film. So watch it XD

That's all.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Oh GOD! I didn't get in!

I didn't get the course I want in USM...

Congratulations to those who got though...

I'm very disappointed, but hopefully I will get over it and be stronger when I stand up again! Hehe...

Thanks to those that talked to me about this matter and of course my mom and sister who had been worried sick!

Arigatou Gozaimasu!

That's all.

Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Fish That Swims

Yes! I have completed my swimming lessons!!!

*Jumps around Screaming*

A few weeks ago, I decided to embrace my original element - water, so I talked to my mom about it, and a few days later I'm already attending swimming lessons at the local swimming club!! Muahaha...

Although its hard when I started, but it got easier as I learned more and the fact that my instructor doesn't scold people at all is a godsend! Yes my instructor doesn't scold people, nice right... hehe... in fact he doesn't speak, he's deaf. However, I admires him, he is very good at swimming and he is also a life guard in the club! Isn't that superb!?

After ten lessons of hardship! I'm now officially a fish that can swim!
Anyone up for a swimming date??

That's all.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Of Sunburn and Frostbite

Hoho, I went to Genting Highlands last Wednesday, it was fun!


We took a night bus and wound up at Genting 4 in the morning. Since we can only check in to our rooms around 12pm, we practically slept in the lobby until the theme park opened up.

Breakfast was expensive as expected, 2 piece of toast, 2 half-boiled eggs and a drink for RM11.30... haiz...

Breakfast Set!!

All Park Pass!!

To compensate for the ridiculous price of breakfast, we got our ALL PARK tag for half the normal price! YAY!! We started things off with Flying Dragon LOL, then Pirate Ship and Cockscrew, and Spaceshot!! Cockscrew again and I'm beat... I got sunburned and a heatstroke when I went for Spaceshot the second time... So I sat that one out and went back to sleep in the room.

After a good nap, we went to play the Sg. Rajang Boat thingy and got pretty wet =.=

It rained a little when the others went for the Pirate Ship again... After that was Spaceshot again for me, and it was freezing cold... (Shorts + Shoeless + Wet Clothes = Popsicle)

Night was fun! Bro and I went to watch Motion Master picture - Haunted House! To be honest I like it a lot, although its quite scary. HAHA... then we went to Snow World!

*Alert* I was wearing shorts, and slippers!

Good thing they provide jackets , boots and gloves, but no pants... T.T Legs got frosted >.<
Snow world was -6 degrees Celsius... OMG it was seriously cold! I can even do Diamond Breath!! (Kula Diamond - KOF series) HAHA! After that was snowball fights!! YAY!!

We celebrated Qi Liang's Birthday in Snow World, which was a surprise for all of us as it was Chris idea! Happy Birthday Qi Liang!! HAHA

We continued with the proceedings like singing, wishing outside and even got a video! Check it out here!

Next day, we went to the Haunted Adventure where we screamed our way out of the maze. It was crazily dark inside and the 'Ghost' were very LOL

Overall it was fun and crazy! HAHA but also tiresome...

Hope we will meet again soon and LOVE YOU ALL!!

That's all.