Tuesday, March 31, 2015

#throwback anime - Free! Iwatobi Swim Club & Free! Eternal Summer!

This week's #throwback anime features Free! Iwatobi Swim Club and Free! Eternal Summer, a production of Kyoto Animation.
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club (Season 1) was released in summer 2013, while Free! Eternal Summer (Season 2) premiered in summer 2014. The franchise enjoyed relative popularity that expanded to multiple media such as radio shows, manga, light novels, drama CDs, multiple character songs CDs and other merchandises.
*This is only the character songs CDs for season 1!
The story revolves around Haruka Nanase, a boy who has always loved to be immersed in water, and to swim in it. The first season story focus on the formation of the club and the eventual match with their rival school. The first season is more lighthearted with jokes, gags(especially on the male leads girly names), fan service and occasional shipping of the male leads (to please target audience group), but it does prepare the viewers a basic understanding of each character and their own struggles in growing up and apart.

In the second season, Haruka and co. is now in their third year and facing decisions regarding their future. The second season takes a more serious theme of making a decision for yourself and growing up to a young adult. It also explore some sports related themes such as injury and age in the sports world (only a little). It still keeps the occasional fan services but are more toned down.

Opening songs for both season is sung by OLDCODEX a JRock band with lead vocalist Tatsuhisa Suzuki (VA for Tachibana Makoto), while ending song is performed by the male leads VA band called "Style Five".

Cast includes:
Nobunaga Shimazaki
Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Tsubasa Yonaga
Daisuke Hirakawa
Mamoru Miyano
Here's a picture of them doing funny poses!
Overall it is an enjoyable boy's love sports anime. Hehe

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Gamer Weekend: Aura Kingdom

If you had read the previous post about Dragon Nest: Warrior's Dawn, you might have seen me mentioning Aura Kingdom. If you haven't you can check out the post here.
Aura Kingdom (幻想神域 or Fantasy Frontier), like Dragon Nest is an anime based MMORPG (Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game) developed by X-Legend and published by Aeria Games. Open beta started on 6th January 2014 and I started playing then. The game started with a level cap of 75 and content up to level 50 with 8 different classes. The game is free-to-play with an in game cash shop/item mall. The game main feature is the eidolon system where players are accompanied by summoned pets in the form of beautifully crafted deities and spirits. There are now a total of 12 playable classes, level 75 contents and a level cap of 80.

As with any other MMORPGs I played, I chose the Bard class (support/healer) as my main character and quickly started my adventure in the vast world of Aura Kingdom. The early levels of the game was fairly easy, you can easily reach level 50 within a few hours of game play, but after that leveling will start to slow down (as with any other games). The story that drives the players out from the small little port town Port Skandia and into a big war between the forces of good and evil is beautifully written (I cried when my character finish his level 60 quest to greet his hometown families and friends before the big battle T_T). The interface and controls are easy to understand and learn and stats distribution are easy.

Major downside of the game though are server issues, DDoS attacks, farming bots, and slow content updates. New content updates may take 2-3 months before implementing and that leave a lot of players nothing to do while waiting for new contents. Hence a trend of player surge during the first few weeks of a new content being released (I'm one of those guys now). But it is an enjoyable game and was one of the games that I truly enjoyed since Flyff. Do give this a try if you ever have the time and you might find yourself hooked. Cheers!

That's all.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Let’s watch Dragon Nest: Warrior’s Dawn

So this movie came out recently in SEA(Philippines to be precise), and I thought “let’s give this a try!”.

Dragon Nest is a MMORPG release back in 2010, I played the game for some time between my shift from Eden Eternal to Aura Kingdom back in 2014. It was instanced-base grinding, meaning there’s literally no mobs on the open field. Quest were quite easy and have a good story to run though with memorable NPCs. We also get some CG storytelling after completion of major quest. But like all MMORPG, it gets bored after reaching a certain level and grinding seems to take forever (Yes I quit the game).

Production of the film is by a Chinese-American film company, with most of the crew being Chinese. Animation is in its own league, pleasing to the eyes and voice acting was okay I guess. The main character Lambert has a quirky and childish style to it that brings out the charm of his character.

The story takes place during the Black Dragon Raid (50 years ago – pre-game), and is a story of Lambert and his master Barnac, joining with notable characters such as the Geriant, Argenta and other members of the Six Heroes. The premise and execution of the film has an uncanny resemblance to Lord of the Rings, just think of the black dragon as Sauron minus the ring part. We also get a bunch races allying with each other forming a party to slay Sauron black dragon. Yeah, get what I mean? Don’t expect too much and you will be fine I guess. But we do respect their guts of making 3(planned) films based on a MMORPG.

If you want ever want to watch Lord of the Rings: The Animation, do give this a try and maybe you will find yourself downloading the game client while you’re watching the movie. Hehe

That’s all.

*side note, the dragons looks more like griffins than dragons that is more popularly depicted.

腐男好介绍 - 《ほんと野獣》(野蛮情人)

第一步要介绍的作品,就是山本小铁子老师的《ほんと野獣》,又名《野蛮情人》。罗马字念Honto Yajuu。


目前《野蛮情人》有3张Drama CD,也就是第一本到第三本的情节。
攻(上田朝春)的是: 中村悠一
受(后藤田辉)的是: 柿原徹也
柿子和中村! 格雷和纳兹 (羞羞)


Thursday, March 26, 2015

#throwback anime - Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun(月刊少女野崎君)

So, part of the newly resurrected blog. I'm going to try to do #throwback anime, it will be a like a review/introduction to the anime that aired a few seasons back, for those that have unfortunately missed out on the series.
For the first #throwback anime we're gonna look at Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun. Which was aired on the summer of 2014, if you haven't heard of it yet, its a love comedy of a girl that falls for guy that draws shoujo manga. The series play on the gender role swapping and it is a really fun series to watch. The cast are awesome especially Mikorin (Yes, I'm smitten)
The anime is adapted by Dogakobo studio from a 4-koma webcomic by Izumi Tsubaki.
Notable cast includes:
Nakamura Yuuichi (Gray from Fairy Tail),
Nobuhiko Okamoto (Eiji Niizuma from Bakuman),
Ari Ozawa (first major role),
Mamoru Miyano (A lot of anime lolx)
and other awesome people.
The anime received great reception and had a very good disc sales in Japan. If you're not much of a shoujo manga fan, you should definitely try this one out, although classified as shoujo genre, its definitely a gem in its own.

That's all for now!



我是在7号-16号在台湾的okay。 2014年

这个宫原眼科的却是个医院,在日治的时候。所以名字也叫宫原(みやはら),不过现在是土产店,卖的就是非常有名的凤梨酥。你可以试吃不一样口味的才决定购买,然后如果是不需要立刻拿的话可以让他们寄包裹到你最后一个酒店(当天fresh作的)。 我们有很多人去所以买起来有到50000台币,所以店员又介绍我们一些优惠券。就是送雪糕吃啦!(不过如果没有买酱多,就不用了啦!)


第四天行程比较松,多数在清境。清境农场看咩咩show和马术show,拍拍照。过后去清境纸箱王拍照+买手信等。吃完午餐(忘了,好像是台中有名的猪肉汤圆,司机先生介绍的), 下午就去到那个溪头妖怪村逛逛。刚好去的时候有盛会类似的所以很热闹。

高雄捷运有学生卡,所以记得带学生证,你就可以购买学生卡,第一次购买价额1000台币,不够用时可以利用自动贩卖机加额。(高雄捷运卡非常非常漂亮,我们去的时候是以Line角色出卡的哦!我拿到Cookie Run的Gingerbreadman) 由于我们去的时候是高雄气暴不久后,所以那个最大的夜市就没有去了,因为被炸没了。 T_T 高雄,我们走了渔人码头,在一个草原拍照,还有去了一个艺术展区。(完全免费)
第六天我们就去意大世界(由于下雨天,所以户外设施都没有机会玩到。 不过里面的show都有看完)意大世界类似Sunway Lagoon/Genting Highlands这样的,门票有一点贵好像是500元台币,不过我们透过司机先生帮我们买的,所以有便宜一些些。



回到台北市我们就去西门町,各位请记得去吃鸭腿,还有阿宗面线(非常出名的,很多人排队的就是)。西门町个人觉得很好逛,而且可以买到便宜到不得了的护肤品如面膜等。(那个Nature’s Republic Aloe Vera Moisturizer才卖89台币!!)


话说,昨天晚上彻夜难眠,忽然之间这个接近三年没开的部落格从脑子闪过。 好了,是时候又来一次部落格复活计划了。
当初写部落格也只是因为好奇+跟风。 并不是像一些部落客拿来抒发感情类似的。 不过最近有很多idea跑进脑子(其实都是昨晚失眠时想到的啦!) 所以觉得这次应该行得通。(希望如此) 今天就先来个连po文, 把这三年缺少的部分补回来吧!!
哈哈!! 还有就是有可能会换掉那个host。 再看看wordpress怎样先。。。