Tuesday, August 24, 2010


今年和往年不一样,去年是在山上,今年是在海边~ 哈哈!

地点是在波得胜的一个豪宅哦~ 虽然是破旧了一点。 不过我能理解第二年理事也是尽力了。 你们好棒哦!









Saturday, August 14, 2010


我终于...终于... 把头发烫直了!
现在头发超轻的! 而且风都可以吹起来了!! 
以前,卷发时,头发就像挡风镜,再大的风也吹不起,现在不一样了! 哈哈!
而且,也变整齐很多了! 哪像卷发时的おばさん!


Sunday, August 8, 2010

Dinner with Buddies!

It was actually Wednesday when we had our dinner, but heck~ XD

It's our first buddy line / family gathering.

All available members attended, from 4th year to us 1st year which is a total of 7! Woot!

We had a nice dinner at a small restaurant that sells 'Fish Beehoon' LOL

The weirdest thing about it, is that Gim Hui suggested to eat there, but she herself felt that the soup with milk is yucky, including me. XD We ended having normal ones, while Carrie, Siew Sieng and Tiu Wang had the ones with 'exotic flavorings' XD

Since our family can be know as the '38' family...Oops 'elegant' is more appropriate. We 'elegantly' chat for a few hours and of course had some photo sessions. After that, Ivy sent me and Minna happily back to college with a bowl of dessert, courtesy of her. XD

Love You All!! Muacks!!!!

That's all.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Kam Kam's Birthday!!!

It was Kam Kam's birthday yesterday, and since most of us finish our classes before 12, we decided to celebrate his birthday at Sushi King!!!

Shu Jun and I went to Time Square earlier as we wanted to buy gifts for our great great grand buddies!!

It was the first time we rode the Monorail, the experience was really refreshing!!! It was like riding a roller coaster around town!

Time Square in KL is definitely more populated than Time Square in Penang. Undeniably, Time Square is worse than Prangin Mall, in terms of cheapness... most of the clothes are gross both in quality and quantity.

Sungai Wang~ Shu Jun place was even more ridiculous! The ceiling is around 2m or less, the shops looks run down, but they got a very interesting shop - Daiso! If I'm not mistaken~ It sells Japanese stuffs and most of them are very affordable!

After that, we had lunch around 3, at Sushi King with the others. We also had cake - Chocolate Indulgence of Secret Recipe!! Yay!

Big Smile Everyone!!

Today was my first PT dance lesson, and it was fun! Although I didn't know much of the moves and I moved softly, BUT hopefully I can be more macho after PT XD!!!


That's all.

Monday, August 2, 2010


First thing first! 昨天是10的最后一天, 我们第一年的学生经过了种种考验终于, 捱过了10。 虽然很累,但是好有满足感! 我们的组, 很荣幸获得了最佳表现奖, 我也很幸运的获得了药剂系的 Super Junior 奖!我好感动, 学长学姐们给我的留言, 我都会铭记于心, 不过不要叫我背啦!

今天, 我们也知道我们的Buddy了! 好高兴Ivy选了我和敏娜当小Buddy. 我也很高兴有Catherine学姐当我们的曾曾祖Buddy,锦慧学姐和慧钰学姐当我们的曾祖Buddy,还有兆煌学长和秀娴学姐当我们的祖Buddy! 希望我们能好好相处,彼此照顾哦! 

还有敦华的会员大会也能圆满结束, 文化组也非常地成功! 大家要加油下去哦!

