Saturday, May 9, 2009

Rusty Gear Needs Cleaning!

I got rust in my gears! The worse part is Form 6 starts next Monday!! 1 more day to go!!!

So, I started tuition last week and I realize that my gears are rusted! I was like WTF when doing exercises and doing discussion.

To think that I have been in NS for 75 days, doing physical training and not much Math (except for counting money faster than the cashier at the mini market), Chem and etc. Upon my return I only played games, write stories, read story books, movies etc. I guess the rust are there for a purpose, to teach me how Iron reacts with Oxygen and Water to produce it XD.

Well I think this experience is good since one will have to know the consequences of laziness!
Keeping a constant pace in your studies is always good! Of course this applies until you graduate from whatever courses your taking.